Friday, 14 December 2012

Download Services

Download services

Downloading Software
Lots of people now download software from the internet and you can download many different types of software and the software that you can download can range in the size as some can be 1 GB big and others could just be 8 GB. When you download a piece of software you are not going to receive a hard copy of the software like a CD because you don’t get a physical item when downloading, as when you download something it is a file that is moved from one computer system to another computer system so when you download something you are picking up a file from the internet and then putting it onto your own computer. Also when you download a piece of software into your computer  you don’t have to pay to download it unless it is a product that you have purchased like a game then that will be the only cost you will have to pay. However if you were to order a hard copy of that piece of software then there will probably be a delivery cost to send it to you. An example of a piece of software that you can download to your computer is dropbox which is a piece of software that allows you to upload your work to and where you can share your folder(s) with other people which will allow them to see your work and for them to give you feedback on the work that is there. So downloading software is effective because it means that you will not have to pay a delivery charge and also when you download the software it will go straight onto your computer and you will not have to pay wait a few days for it to come in the post as it is an automatic process.

·         Quicker to do as you don’t have to wait a few days before you can play or watch the item you have purchased as with downloading the software you get the product so you can start playing or watching it immediately.
·         Cheaper
·         Some pieces of software allow you to download a trial version so that you can see what it is like before you purchase the full software
·         There is a wide choice of pieces of software that you can download
·         Good for the environment
·         You can sometimes make another copy of the file to keep safe in case it gets lost
·         Some pieces of software let you re download it if it is ever lost

·         There is a risk of the computer crashing and the software being lost
·         You might not have another copy so if you lose it then you will have to buy it again
·         You cannot get a hard copy of the software
·         Some pieces of software may contain viruses
·         It may take a while for the software to be downloaded

The word ‘apps’ is the shortened version for applications which are computer programmes that you can get on many different types of technology such as:

Ø  IPods
Ø  Ipads
Ø  Mobile phones
Ø  EBook’s
Ø  tablets

There are many types of applications that you can get for your devices which could be things like games, books, education apps, drawing apps, animation apps and many more. There are many different stores in which you can purchase the apps but this depends on the type of device that you have got, however the main one is the apple store which you can use if you have any of the apple devices such as the iphones, ipads and the ipods. On the apple store you can purchase an app from a choice of around half a million apps. When you purchase an app there is sometimes a charge you have to pay and the amount you have to pay can depend on the app that you are purchasing but there are some apps that you can get where you don’t have to pay any cost at all. Since apple created the apple store where you can purchase the apps there are now many other people that I have created their own app store for the device that they use such as the blackberry have an app store which allows you to purchase apps for your phone, there is also the android phones that have created an app store for their customers to purchase applications for their phones. The kinds of apps that you can get can be things like an app in which you can take a picture of a barcode of a product which will give you the place where you can get that product the cheapest; also there is an app which allows you to find out what the weather is for the week. With the app stores you can see the most popular paid and free apps and also when you are looking at an app it will give you the rating of the app and it will give you some screenshots so that when you are looking to buy that app you will know what it is all about so that you will make the right choice on whether you want to buy it or not. Apps are effective because sometimes they do a free version or a trial version of the app so that you can try it to see if you like it or not, so if you like it there will be able to buy the proper version of the app.
v  Easy to download the apps
v  Can download free apps
v  Can download trial apps to see if you like the app or not
v  Loads of apps available to purchase/download
v  Can download an app at any time of the day
v  Can update apps that you already have so that you have the latest version of that app
v  Some apps can be expensive
v  Can take a long time to download
v  Can take up a lot of space
Downloading apps is effective because you can download free apps to see if you like them or not to see whether you would want to purchase the full version of that app. Also downloading apps is effective because you can now download apps onto a lot of devices such as the apple devices, android phones and smart phones.

Music downloads are where you can download either a song or a full album to your music player from a music store of your choice, there are many stores in which you can purchase songs from but the main one is the Itunes store where you can purchase and downloads songs onto your apple device. When you download something you will not get a hard copy of what you are purchased but instead you will get a download onto your playlist which you can then transfer it onto a device where you can listen to it. There are two types of music downloads which you can get these are legal and illegal, when you get an illegal download it means that you have not purchased it and you have not had permission to download it. There are many sites where you can purchase and download songs from such as:
·         Itunes store
·         Amazon mp3
·         Google play
·         Nokia music store
·         Xbox music
There will be some sites that are illegal to download songs from and then there are some websites that you can download songs from that are not illegal.
·         Can be quite cheap to purchase the songs, and some songs might be free to download
·         It doesn’t take a long time to download songs
·         There are search facilities to make it easier to find songs
·         Easy to download songs
·         You don’t have to purchase the full album for that one song you want
·         You can listen to a section of the song before you purchase it
·         It can be illegal music you are downloading
·         You can get viruses from downloading songs
·         Some downloads may not be very good quality
·         Quality of sound can be poor
·         You could easily loose the downloaded copy
·         You may not be able to make a hard copy of the song and even if you do it might not work

Downloading music is effective because there are loads of different websites in which you can download from songs from and you don’t need to buy the full album just to get the one song that you want. Also downloading is effective because you can search for the song that you want so that you don’t have to spend a long time looking for it, also you can listen to a preview of the song to see if you like it before you buy it.
Downloading videos are when you can download different types of videos such as little video clips, full films or TV programmes of the internet either for free but sometimes there is a cost to download videos or to just join the site in which you are downloading videos from.  One of the main sites in which you can purchase and download videos from is the Itunes store which you can either purchase the video to keep and to download onto your apple device and you can also rent a film and download it onto your apple device for a certain amount of time. On the itunes store you can download a variety of videos which include: films, tv programmes, music videos, free clips and many more. However there are other sites in which you can purchase and download viedoes from and some of these can either be legal sites but there are some sites in which are illegal to download videos from.
·         It is easy to download videos
·         Big choice of websites to download videos
·         Can be quite cheap and you can download free videos
·         Can download any video
·         Can download music videos, podcasts and TV programmes
·         Can be illegal
·         Can give you viruses
·         Videos are not always good quality
·         You may lose the copy of the download
·         The sound may not be very good
Downloading videos is effective because you can download videos from a variety of websites and some can be really good with excellent quality videos, also you can download a variety of types of videos which could be films, music videos and many more.

Downloading books is where you download digital copies of books onto your computer or onto your device such as your phone or tablet and there is also different book devices in which you can download books onto such as the kindle which you can purchase books and download onto your kindle to read. When you download books there are two types which you can download are either an audio copy which you can listen to the book then there is the one in which you read. When downloading books they are called E-books which are the shortened version for Electronic books and these can be downloaded from different stores such as the Kindle store, Itunes store and many more depending on the device you are using. Downloading books is effective because it makes it easier for you to read books and it is easier to carry around as you don’t have to carry several books with you instead you just need to carry the device which is a lot lighter than carrying books around. It is also effective because you can download almost every book and you can download the trial version first to see if you like the book or not.
·         Easy to use
·         Easier to carry around
·         Light
·         A variety of books on offer
·         It is good for the environment
·         Quick to download books
      ·         Books can be quite expensive
·         Can damage your eyes
·         The battery doesn’t always last long
·         It can give you viruses


Web storage

Web storage
The purpose of web storage is to allow people to put their work onto or to allow then to put files on to keep them safe and also just in case anything happens to the other place that they are stored like a hard drive so that if the hard drive crashed with all their work on then they will still have another copy of their work. Also web storage is where people can back up their work so that they will always have an updated copy of their work so that if there was anything to happen to the computer then if they have their work stored on a type of web storage they will be able to retrieve their work again. With some of the web storages that you can get they will allow you to download an app onto your computer which will automatically download your work onto a folder on the web storage so that you don’t have to worry about any of your work being lost or not saved as the computer will automatically do it, this type of web storage is called dropbox.

There are two different types of the web storage which are local storage and session storage, session storage is where it only stores data from that one session that you was using and it doesn’t store anymore data after you have finished on the first session, so after it has stored data for one session it will then stop storing data. Also with the session storage once you have finished the first session and you have closed the internet down then all the data that has been saved will be removed. Local storage is the different compared to the session storage because it doesn’t stop storing data so after you have finished on the first session it will still carry on storing data and has no expiry date which means that once all the data has been saved it will not be deleted like the session storage and it will be there even if you open it in the next year.

An example of web storage is dropbox which is a program that allows you to upload a pieces of work and documents onto it and it doesn’t matter what kind of document it is. Also with dropbox when you create a folder for your work to go in you have the choice on whether you want to share the folder with anyone else that uses dropbox, this is done because it means that you could share the school work folder with a teacher so that they can look at your work and mark it. Dropbox is a safe way in which you can share and upload your work so that you have more than one copy of your work. With dropbox there is an app that you can download onto either your computer or onto your apple device such as the iPhone which will allow you to access all of your files, pictures and documents anywhere you go and when you download the app you will be able to get your work from anywhere you are. Another example of the web storage is the Google drive which is a programme that will allow you to store your work and it will mean that you can access the work somewhere else as long as you are connected to the internet, also with Google drive if you were to change or a upload a new file onto the Google drive then it will automatically upload or change onto all the devices that you have the Goggle drive downloaded onto. There are also many more types of web storage that you can use which include things like:
·         Amazon simple storage service
·         Windows Azure storage
·         Box
·         Windows live
·         Apple iCloud
·         Mozy
·         Zip cloud
·         Just cloud

The target audience of web storage would be people that run their own business as it will allow them store important business douments online where they will be able to access them at any time they want. However the main target audience would be anyone because a lot of people would want to be able to store their work safely. So the target audience would be anyone but more likely to be people that are adult and people in school in the upper years because they are the most likely people that will need to store any work.

Web storage services successfully meet their purpose because the main purpose of web storage is to allow people to put their work onto or to allow then to put files on to keep them safe and also just in case anything happens to the other place that they are stored like a hard drive so that if the hard drive crashed with all their work on then they will still have another copy of their work. So the web storage successfully does this because there are many sites in which people can use to upload their work to keep it safe and these websites do this.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Online Banking

Online banking

The purpose of online is banking is to make it more convenient for the customer to access all their bank details and to sort out any problems with their bank account also it allows them to see how much money they have in their account. To access your account online the bank will have a website where the customer can access their account and has a section on the website which will allow the customer to access their bank account and all the details. However with the online banking system not everything can be done online as certain transactions will not be allowed to be made over the internet but it does allow you to do most transactions over the internet. When you set up your account on the online banking system it is usually safe as long as don’t share any of the information with anyone else. Also another thing that you cannot do with your online banking account is to take money out of your account and also you cannot money back into your account as the main purpose of online baking is just to make sure that everything is ok with your bank account and to track purchases on your account.


The purpose of Halifax online banking is to let you have a look at all payments that you have made and to let you have a look at any transfers of money that have been made. Also Halifax’s online banking lets you have a look at the purchases that you have made recently. So the purpose of Halifax is to let the customers have a look at their bank details online and to let them look at all the things to do with transactions they have made and all their bank details in case any details need to be changed.

The target audience of Halifax online banking service is the people that are already customers of Halifax and that have a bank account set up with Halifax, however the main age group that will be using it will be adults because children will not be old enough to access their own accounts so it will need to be their parents that sort everything out that is related to their bank accounts as they will probably not have access until they are the age of 18.

Halifax fulfils the purposes because the main purpose of Halifax is to let people access their bank account online at any time to view transactions that have been made and to let them change any details if needed.  So it fulfils its purpose as when you go to Halifax’s online banking there is somewhere that lets you login to your account where you can view all you bank account details so this means that Halifax fulfils its purpose.

The advantages of Halifax’s online banking service are:
·         View the recent transactions that you have made
·         View the money transfers that have been made in your account
·         Can receive different rewards
·         Access at any time of the day
·         You can use telephone banking
·         Easy to use
·         Secure as it requires a password to change any information or to access certain pieces of information

Lloyds TSB

The purpose of Lloyds TSB’s online banking service is to let the customers view their statements for purchases that they have made; also it lets you have a look at the purchases that you have made recently. So the purpose of Halifax is to let the customers have a look at their bank details online and to let them look at all the things to do with transactions they have made. Also the main purpose is to let you make transfers of money to other people and it also lets the customers pay any bills that need to be paid.

The target audience of Lloyds TSB online banking service is the people that are already customers of Halifax and that have a bank account set up with Lloyds TSB, however the main age group that will be using it will be adults because children will not be old enough to access their own accounts so it will need to be their parents that sort everything out that is related to their bank accounts as they will probably not have access until they are the age of 18.

Lloyds TSB fulfils the purposes because the main purpose of Lloyds TSB is to let people access their bank account online at any time to view transactions that have been made and to let the customers make transfers of money to other people and it also lets the customers pay any bills that need to be paid. So it fulfils the purpose because when you register you will be able to view the transactions that have been made recently and it will let the customers transfer some money to other people at any time.

The advantages of Lloyds TSB online banking service are:

·         View the recent transactions that have been made recently
·         To make money transfers to other bank accounts
·         To let you pay different bills
·         You can have texts to remind you of things related to your bank account
·         Easy to look track things to do with transactions
·         Easy to use
·         Can access your account at any time

Monday, 3 December 2012


        Ebay’s main purpose is to sell products to people and there is a wide range of products that are being sold on ebay and usually there are many types of that product which is effective because it means that the customers get a wide choice of the product that they are looking for, also the customer may also be able to get the product they are after cheaper than if they buy it from the store. Another purpose of ebay is to let people sell their products even if the product they are selling has been used, so this will mean that the customers can buy other peoples products that have been advertised. The target audience of ebay is everyone when buying products because if you search for an item that you are after then there is a high chance of you finding that product because there are loads of products that are on offer to buy, however when you sell a product then the target audience for this would be adults. Ebay uses two ways in which people can purchase a product which is to buy the product straight away. The other way of purchasing a product is by biding for it which is where you enter an amount that you are willing to pay for that item; however there are other people that may want the same product as you so they will also be bidding for the product so the cost of the product could get really high especially when you are bidding against someone else however if you are not bidding against someone else then you can get the product you want really cheap. The auction is where you bid for the product that you want and sometimes when you bid for a product the person that is selling the product will put a minimum price that you can bid from because if they don’t then the product can go really cheap as someone might bid 1p and if no one else bids on that product then it will go for 1p. It fulfils its purpose well because the purpose of ebay is to sell products and to auction products to customers which is what ebay does so it fulfils the purpose of the website really well, also the aim of ebay is to sell a range of products to customers at a reasonable price and also it allows them to put in the amount that they are willing to pay so ebay fulfils its purpose really well.

·         Easy to use
·         Items available are sometimes cheaper to buy than buying them at the retail prices
·         It can be a better way to purchase items as you can just order them and you don’t have to go to some shops to buy the item that you are after
·         Quick to use
·         A wide range of products on offer to buy
·         Good delivery service

·         The delivery can be expensive depending on where the item is being despatched from
·         Some items need to be collected from wherever they are being sold from
·         Sometimes you cannot send the item back if you are not satisfied with it
·         You can lose out on money
·         Not very safe as some sellers may sell a product but when it comes it is something completely different

Ebay is successful as a shopping model because you can choose a product from the 1000s of products that are for sale, so you are most likely going to find the product that you are after which is really good for the customer as it will mean that they can get the product they want a cheaper cost. Also ebay is a successful shopping model because there are two different ways in which you can buy a product which are bidding for it and buying it straight away. So ebay is a successful shopping model because they offer a wide choice of products and also they offer two ways to buy the product.