Monday, 3 December 2012


        Ebay’s main purpose is to sell products to people and there is a wide range of products that are being sold on ebay and usually there are many types of that product which is effective because it means that the customers get a wide choice of the product that they are looking for, also the customer may also be able to get the product they are after cheaper than if they buy it from the store. Another purpose of ebay is to let people sell their products even if the product they are selling has been used, so this will mean that the customers can buy other peoples products that have been advertised. The target audience of ebay is everyone when buying products because if you search for an item that you are after then there is a high chance of you finding that product because there are loads of products that are on offer to buy, however when you sell a product then the target audience for this would be adults. Ebay uses two ways in which people can purchase a product which is to buy the product straight away. The other way of purchasing a product is by biding for it which is where you enter an amount that you are willing to pay for that item; however there are other people that may want the same product as you so they will also be bidding for the product so the cost of the product could get really high especially when you are bidding against someone else however if you are not bidding against someone else then you can get the product you want really cheap. The auction is where you bid for the product that you want and sometimes when you bid for a product the person that is selling the product will put a minimum price that you can bid from because if they don’t then the product can go really cheap as someone might bid 1p and if no one else bids on that product then it will go for 1p. It fulfils its purpose well because the purpose of ebay is to sell products and to auction products to customers which is what ebay does so it fulfils the purpose of the website really well, also the aim of ebay is to sell a range of products to customers at a reasonable price and also it allows them to put in the amount that they are willing to pay so ebay fulfils its purpose really well.

·         Easy to use
·         Items available are sometimes cheaper to buy than buying them at the retail prices
·         It can be a better way to purchase items as you can just order them and you don’t have to go to some shops to buy the item that you are after
·         Quick to use
·         A wide range of products on offer to buy
·         Good delivery service

·         The delivery can be expensive depending on where the item is being despatched from
·         Some items need to be collected from wherever they are being sold from
·         Sometimes you cannot send the item back if you are not satisfied with it
·         You can lose out on money
·         Not very safe as some sellers may sell a product but when it comes it is something completely different

Ebay is successful as a shopping model because you can choose a product from the 1000s of products that are for sale, so you are most likely going to find the product that you are after which is really good for the customer as it will mean that they can get the product they want a cheaper cost. Also ebay is a successful shopping model because there are two different ways in which you can buy a product which are bidding for it and buying it straight away. So ebay is a successful shopping model because they offer a wide choice of products and also they offer two ways to buy the product.

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