Web storage
The purpose of web storage is to allow people to put
their work onto or to allow then to put files on to keep them safe and also
just in case anything happens to the other place that they are stored like a
hard drive so that if the hard drive crashed with all their work on then they
will still have another copy of their work. Also web storage is where people
can back up their work so that they will always have an updated copy of their
work so that if there was anything to happen to the computer then if they have
their work stored on a type of web storage they will be able to retrieve their
work again. With some of the web storages that you can get they will allow you
to download an app onto your computer which will automatically download your
work onto a folder on the web storage so that you don’t have to worry about any
of your work being lost or not saved as the computer will automatically do it,
this type of web storage is called dropbox.
There are two different types of the web storage which
are local storage and session storage, session storage is where it only stores
data from that one session that you was using and it doesn’t store anymore data
after you have finished on the first session, so after it has stored data for
one session it will then stop storing data. Also with the session storage once
you have finished the first session and you have closed the internet down then
all the data that has been saved will be removed. Local storage is the
different compared to the session storage because it doesn’t stop storing data
so after you have finished on the first session it will still carry on storing
data and has no expiry date which means that once all the data has been saved
it will not be deleted like the session storage and it will be there even if you
open it in the next year.
An example of web storage is dropbox which is a program
that allows you to upload a pieces of work and documents onto it and it doesn’t
matter what kind of document it is. Also with dropbox when you create a folder
for your work to go in you have the choice on whether you want to share the
folder with anyone else that uses dropbox, this is done because it means that
you could share the school work folder with a teacher so that they can look at
your work and mark it. Dropbox is a safe way in which you can share and upload
your work so that you have more than one copy of your work. With dropbox there
is an app that you can download onto either your computer or onto your apple
device such as the iPhone which will allow you to access all of your files,
pictures and documents anywhere you go and when you download the app you will
be able to get your work from anywhere you are. Another example of the web
storage is the Google drive which is a programme that will allow you to store
your work and it will mean that you can access the work somewhere else as long
as you are connected to the internet, also with Google drive if you were to
change or a upload a new file onto the Google drive then it will automatically
upload or change onto all the devices that you have the Goggle drive downloaded
onto. There are also many more types of web storage that you can use which
include things like:
Amazon simple storage service
Windows Azure storage
Windows live
Apple iCloud
Zip cloud
Just cloud
The target audience of web storage would be people that
run their own business as it will allow them store important business douments
online where they will be able to access them at any time they want. However the
main target audience would be anyone because a lot of people would want to be
able to store their work safely. So the target audience would be anyone but
more likely to be people that are adult and people in school in the upper years
because they are the most likely people that will need to store any work.
Web storage services successfully meet their purpose
because the main purpose of web storage is to allow people to put their work
onto or to allow then to put files on to keep them safe and also just in case
anything happens to the other place that they are stored like a hard drive so
that if the hard drive crashed with all their work on then they will still have
another copy of their work. So the web storage successfully does this because there
are many sites in which people can use to upload their work to keep it safe and
these websites do this.
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